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“Niles Reddick crafts stories that are fiercely honest and intelligent—stories that track our sometimes hopeful/sometimes feckless meanderings. Through tales of family life and relationships, one marvels at the suppleness of his language and the deftness of his thoughts. What an original and enduring treasure of a book this is.”

~ Robert Scotellaro, What Are the Chances? and Bad Motel



“Niles Reddick further establishes his well-earned reputation as a master of short form fiction. Reddick is an acute observer of the foibles and nuances of our human experience. With concision, insight, good cheer, and a knack for consistently turning just the right phrase, he crafts affecting glimpses into the small but essential moments which can reverberate across a lifetime. Likewise, these stories linger in the imagination long after the final page has been turned.”

~ Jonathan Haupt, coeditor of Our Prince of Scribes: Writers Remember Pat Conroy


If Not for You & Other Stories

  • “Niles Reddick combines wit, folksy wisdom, and terrific storytelling. His authentic voice has so much charm and likeability, you just want to read and keep reading. He touches on all kinds of situations from parallel parking, to haunted springs, to cheesecake at Juniors. A variety of voices and moods, sometimes light, sometimes poignant, but always down to earth and oh-so-easy. This is one terrific read.”

    ~ Francine Witte, Dressed All Wrong for This and The Way of the Wind


    “Niles Reddick illuminates recognizable aspects of ordinary human life. There are family squabbles, the intense love between family members, damaged individuals, unrealized dreams, bureaucratic bungles, the perils of old age, end of life and natural phenomena. Reddick is a masterful storyteller and each story, whether humorous or heartbreaking, conveys compassion, empathy and a deep understanding of human nature.”

    ~ Sandra Arnold, Soul Etchings, Tomorrow’s Empire and A Distraction of Opposites


    “The thing about Niles Reddick, the writer, is that he’s really Niles the storyteller who, when you’re reading from his book, you feel like he’s your friend taking a walk with you, hoisting a brew at the local bar, or just running into him on the street and you can pick any one of his stories and you’ll hear his soft voice with a little southern in it telling you a story. This is a book you have to buy multiples of since the last thing you’ll want to do is lend out your only copy.”

    ~ Paul Beckman, Kiss Kiss and Peek


    “Absolutely mesmerizing. Reddick's ability to blend hilarity and heartbreak is nothing short of a revelation.”

    ~ Mathieu Cailler, Heaven and Other Zip Codes



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